If you need an industrial electrician to perform bus bar installations, JDI is the right choice. Our team of industrial electricians have completed a brand new bus bar line installation project in Upstate, SC. Prior to this, we tied in the existing bus lines, and our abilities to understand and align the right team led to the new electrical project.
We began with prework by installation of conduit racks and two 4″ conduit parallel runs symmetrical to the existing conduit route. We worked with our distributor Waytek Wire to get the materials needed. By maintaining a close relationship with affordable and high-quality material suppliers, we keep the client’s projects in budget and optimized for the long-term.
JDI then installed two 10 foot sections of 800 AMP bus duct; we were then able to pull an 800 AMP feeder to feed the new bus ducts through the 4″ conduits and maintained neat electrical panel wiring.
Our client, who keeps a neat and tidy facility, appreciates that we not only perform project requirements, but that our crew keeps things organized. Do you need an industrial electrician? JDI is the industrial electrical company of choice for manufacturers bus bar projects; contact us today!